

Documentation centered

The Report category is documentation centered. We put our attention on what and how the results of the project are argued and communicated in written. We evaluate the abilities of the students to document projects through their project reports. The emphasis for our evaluation is on the report readability, quality and structure.


The Report category is documentation-centered. We evaluate the abilities of the students to document projects through their project reports. The emphasis for our evaluation is on the report readability, quality, and structure. The main scale is:

implicit → explicit → proficient → novel → visionary

Rubrics of evaluation

The aspects/rubrics of the performance criteria for the category Report, as specified in the evaluation forms, are:

A. Readability of report

Definition: Formulation, ease of understanding, perceptibility, correctness of English, good use of figures, graphs and tables

Main gradient: Understandable with effort → Easily readable → Pleasant, coherent, convincing story → Original, creative style → Submitted to an IEEE journal or conference.
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B. Problem formulation

Definition: Clarity of main objectives, problem definition, formulation of sub-questions

Main gradient: Main problems and goals can be extracted → Explicit problem definition, research questions and goals → Well structured and motivated problem definitions, research questions and research approach → Quantified problems, questions and approach → Scientific, methodological, societal relevance.
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C. Quality of content

Definition: Scientific quality of report, clarity of summary, clarity of exposition, clarity of figures, clarity of reasoning, accuracy of proofs, (suitability for publication)

Main gradient: Clear what has been done and why → Explicitly validated results → Results can be reproduced → Original content, tutorial value → Ground-breaking content.
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D. Structure and organization of report

Definition: Introduction, literature review, problem formulation, methodology, analysis and results, conclusions

Main gradient: Coherent flow → Title, abstract, introduction, literature, background theory, application/problem, approach/methodology, paper body, analysis, results, validation, conclusions and reference are properly presented → Easily navigable content → Content-tailored organization → Inspirational organization.
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E. Extra

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5 and lower

  • A lot of mistakes: the report contains significant mistakes and statements which are incompatible with the scientific method (e.g. in formulas, statements, units);
  • Poor readability: the English language level is too low, the IEEE paper style is not used without a proper reason, and the report cannot be used in the future;
  • Poor content: the report features inadequate title, no abstract, disconnected Introduction, the conclusions are inadequate and do not relate to the main research question, no references, and ;
  • Plagiarism: there are solid evidences of full or partial plagiarism;