
Presentation and Defense: Discussion skills


  • Inspirational discussion skills are used for successfully communicating the key messages of the work;
  • The discussion is excellent, visionary, pleasant with new insights, while comprehensively handling the problem, the solution and the future of the work and the discipline;
  • The student successfully, very convincingly handles all questions without intervention of the supervisors;
  • The student owns the discussion;
  • The discussion goes through different viewpoints (technical, industrial/societal use, impact), uses arguments from different fields/disciplines, touching counter-intuitive arguments/paradoxes, and historical developments from various fields;
  • The student is able to explain difficult concepts in original and simple terms, using e.g. metaphors;
  • The audience learns, enjoys, and the discussion leads to new ideas and triggers follow ups;
  • Strategies are discussed for the future development of the field;


  • Fully mastered discussions skills are used for successfully communicating the novel messages of the work;
  • The discussion is very good, deep, intriguing with novel and surprising elements, while comprehensively handling the problem and the solution;
  • The discussion is enthusiastic, keeps focus;
  • The student provokes discussions and questions, and is aware of time limits;
  • The audience learns from the discussion;
  • The discussion goes through different viewpoints (technical, industrial/societal use, impact), touching counter-intuitive arguments and historical developments;
  • The discussion fully reveals the key aspects of the project;
  • The student is able to explain difficult concepts in simple terms;


  • Enthusiastic and convincing discussion skills, leading to successfully communicating the main messages of the work;
  • There is a good discussion in which both the student and the audience participate;
  • The student controls the discussion;
  • The student is capable of answering questions from the defense committee and lead the discussion in a way to promote own research results and findings, without being assisted by the experts;
  • The student (makes sure she/he) fully understands and correctly interprets the questions from the audience;
  • The student is confident in his/her own positions;
  • The discussion is very effective, touching on the key aspects of the work, providing strong argumentation of the approach and design choices, going through relevant abstraction levels;
  • The student is able to meaningfully explain difficult concepts;
  • The student knows what the limits of the work are;
  • The discussion is organized and conclusive;
  • Everyone enjoys the discussion.


  • Various discussions skills are used for communicating the main message of the work;
  • The student drives the discussion;
  • The discussion is concrete and specific, touches the main aspects of the work, and underlines those which are relevant;
  • The student is able to explain the main fundamental concepts;
  • Relevant conclusions are drawn.
  • The arguments are well inter-linked;
  • The student is capable of answering questions from the defense committee and lead a discussion, with minimal assistance from the experts;
  • The presentation, discussion, and defense are supported by sufficient illustrative material, e.g. pictures, tables, videos;
  • Some people enjoy the discussion;
  • There are learning moments for the student in the received feedback.


  • Basic discussion skills are used for providing the main message of the work;
  • The discussion communicates the relevant results of the study;
  • With assistance from the defense committee, the student is capable of understanding and participating in the discussion;
  • The student gives correct answers to the questions concerning the fundamentals of the EE field;
  • The discussion is at a practical level;
  • The student learns important aspects about his work from the discussion.

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