
Report: Readability of report


  • The paper (i.e. an excellent report, far beyond a report) offers a visionary, deep, valuable and clear story, written in an exceptional style;
  • The paper should feature: an own vision on the historical and future development of both the problem and the field, own style, strong didactic aspects, clarity, and accessibility;
  • The paper should be strong and objective at high professional and scientific level;
  • The lines of argumentation in the paper should be clear, accessible and original;
  • The paper must be in full compliance with IEEE standard and paper guidelines;
  • The paper can be submitted to an IEEE journal or conference without any major modification in its main content (or submitted in the process patent filing);
  • Minimal use of abbreviations beyond the IEEE approved standard.


  • The paper (i.e. a very good report) offers a coherent, easy to read, intriguing, fascinating and novel story (e.g. novel way and/or novel content), written in an original style;
  • The paper should be very well written, pleasantly readable, clear, and accessible for both experts and non-experts;
  • The lines of argumentation in the paper should be focused, efficient and effective;
  • The paper should be clear on what the novelties are, how these are derived and why these are useful;
  • The limitations of the work should be clearly given;
  • The paper can be submitted to an IEEE journal or conference after some minor adjustments in its contents;
  • The paper should not overuse abbreviations.


  • The report offers a coherent, easy to read, proficient and accurate story;
  • The report is pleasantly readable and accessible (especially the first sections);
  • Good and easy to follow introduction of the abbreviations (preferably abbreviations are avoided);
  • There are many figures tables and equations which are clear, accurate, self-explanatory and logically used;
  • The report features proficient, connected and broad line of arguments;
  • The figures and tables contain enough information so that their main message becomes directly clear;


  • The report is easily readable for experts;
  • The main messages, statements and lessons are made explicit;
  • For an expert in the field, the work should become almost clear by looking at the title, abstract, figures, tables and conclusions;
  • There are sufficient number of meaningful figures, tables, flow-charts, diagrams, schematics and equations;
  • The figures are clear, focused and readable (e.g. reasonable quality, font size, colors, message, proper legend);
  • All abbreviations and equation variables are properly introduced;
  • All equations are properly formulated, e.g. units are given, variables are consistent;
  • The review rounds of the supervisors are limited.


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